We recovered £2,000 for our client, thanks to the Sheriffs and a pragmatic landlord

We’ve worked with the Sheriff’s Men – aka Andrew Wilson & Co – for some time now and between us we’ve resolved a variety of cases.

We’ve also had some unlikely resolutions.

Take the one just recently where the debtor’s unpaid £700 bill for goods for their shop bought from our client had spiralled to just around £2,000 including costs, interest and other charges.

Emails, phone calls and letters went unanswered so we were obliged to take the case through the Small Claims Court.

Having secured the judgment, we called in Andrew Wilson’s team of enforcement officers and they were despatched to recover the money or the equivalent in goods.

Predictably enough, there was no sign of the debtor when they arrived at her shop but, not wanting to give up easily, they called on the estate agent next door to see if they had any idea of her whereabouts. It yielded better news.

The estate agent, it turned out, represented the landlord of the debtor’s shop premises – who was also owed thousands in unpaid rent.

After hearing their tenant was being pursued for £2,000-plus, the landlord offered a quick negotiation: if the tenant would agree to forfeit the lease on the shop, ie, surrender all rights to the tenancy, the landlord would pay off her debt to OUR client.

And the debtor swiftly agreed, albeit at a cost of £2,000 in terms of the forfeiture.

It was an unexpected turn of events but the best outcome for our client – and that landlord.

It also shows again that using a reputable firm who will carry out the task professionally and who will use common sense and persistence to bring a job to its conclusion – not just do the bare minimum of turning up, knocking on a door and retreating when there’s no answer – is well worth it.

To talk to us about help with debt recovery for business, call us on 0115 784 5602 or email [email protected]